Shop This Board: A Journey
Every board we create is unique, seasonally-inspired, and fresh. We pay attention to color palette, the mix of milks, rinds, and country of origin, and of course, what’s at its peak in the farmers market and in our case.
Read on for a tour of this delightful creation, and stop by to pick up any of these delights in the shop.
Mèkkerstee: goat's milk gouda from Holland that's organic and full bodied with crystals and nutty notes.
Chablochon: a mild washed rind cow’s milk softy from France that is rich, buttery, and grassy.
Toast for Cheese: thin, crispy crackers from the UK studded with dried fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Chällerhocker: a cow's milk washed rind from Switzerland with notes of salty sweet caramel.
Dried Mission Figs: the ultra-sweet dried fruit is both pretty and delicious.
Lavender Honey: French bees visit French lavender to give us this goodness.
Black Figs: fresh figs for a nice contrast to the dried.
Black Grapes: the sweetness cuts through the saltiness of all the cheeses.
Pistachio Curd: if you haven’t discovered this yet, you must; it’s heavenly.
Wafer Crackers: satisfyingly crispy carriers.
1924 Bleu: salty, smooth, and creamy, sheep and cow’s milk blue.
Blackberries: Succulent, juicy, and tart, they compliment these cheeses to a tee.
Gordal Olives: large, succulent green olives grown in the Spanish olive heartlands of Seville in Andalusia.
The Imperial Buck: cow's milk cheddar from Wisconsin that’s sharp, creamy, and crystally.
PS: Don’t forget: last pick-up for Labor Day boards is Sunday, Sept 3, so be sure to place your order by noon on Saturday, Sept 2 to get yours in time.