A Winter Cheese Glossary

We can’t think of anything better than cozying up with some (or all) of these cheesy wonders.

To us, these particular morsels whisper “eat me and feel warm and comforted,” just what we all need in these dreary January days.

Stop by for a little warm up with some cheese and laughs.

Prairie Breeze: this pasteurized cow's milk cheddar from Iowa is sweeter than typical cheddar with lots of flavor, crumbly yet creamy, and a wonderfully long finish.

Marieke Gouda
: made by a Dutch-born woman in Wisconsin, it’s nutty with a hint of caramel sweetness and is springy and creamy to boot.

Pecorino Crotonese
: an Italian essential, this raw sheep’s milk sheep is intense, flavorful, and distinctive, while hitting the right creamy notes at the same time.

Taleggio Ca De Ambros: pasteurized cow's milk from Italy with a washed rind that's funky, a little stinky, and a lot delicious

Caveman Blue
: a fudgy little number from Oregon with notes of shitake mushroom, sweet golden beets, and brown butter.

PS: Maybe you should host a winter warm up and we will make you a cheese and charcuterie boards using all these cheeses! Click here to order one today.


Are you in a winter slump too?


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