A Proud Popcorn Moment
We’re a family that watches cooking shows. A lot of Martha, obvi, but other faves include Lydia, Ina, Stanley, Nigella, and Jamie. I’ve often said that these were the professors of my culinary education.
Now most of the time, our son is not interested in watching any of them with us, AT ALL, but we feel it’s important that we respect one another’s interests and passions, so on a recent rainy Sunday, he was forced into it.
At first, if you would have heard the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from inside the house, you would have thought we were torturing the poor child, but then something truly momentous occurred: Jamie Oliver’s child came onto the screen, and Michael was rapt with attention.
Imagine, another little boy around Michael’s age cooking?!
He was enthralled!
The child made popcorn in three different ways - one way for each of his parents and one for himself. I was stunned when Michael immediately announced he was going to make popcorn for us. He got up (with Joe), took my order, and in a matter of moments we were enjoying three different popcorn bowls that he made.
I was so, so proud of our boy. And I was a little proud of us too for “forcing” something we think is important (food) on him.
For me the moral of this one is we must keep showing who we are, honestly and openly to one another, and when we do, these moments of commonality and human connection will be more frequent, more profound, and more wonder-full.